Non Web Resources

Check out these sites for more detailed information on apologetics:


Recommended Books
Most can be found at or local Christian store outlets.

  1. "A Case for Christ" A lawyer builds a case that Christ existed.
  2. "I Believe in Jesus" by John MacArthur. Book to witness to children.
  3. "A Purpose Driven Church" by Rick Warren. Applies biblical principles to establishing a successful and Godly church.
  4. "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" by Joshua Harris. Helps show singles how to go about finding mates in a Godly way.
  5. "Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics" by Norman L. Geisler.

Good Audio Cassette Tapes

  1. "Deliver Us From Evil" by Ravi Zacharias. Good dissection of the spiritual decay of our nation.
  2. "Consider This Evidence" by Ben Merold of Harvester Christian Church.  Good apologetics on why to believe in the resurrection.
  3. "Left Behind" series by Tim F. Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. An action packed story about the Tribulation that is very entertaining as well as spiritually inspiring and educational.


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